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Fourth of July Recipes (Independence Day)

It's the time of year that cookouts and potlucks take place and I have compiled a list of these fourth of July recipes. Ones that our family enjoy and ones that have always been a hit at potlucks.

This recipe is done on the grill and great for family cookouts:


This recipe is great for potlucks when made in a large dish. It is also great for family cookouts:

Check out reallygreatsite.comfor the full article.

This treat recipe is great for cookouts and potlucks alike! 1

This family recipe for deviled eggs would be great as a side dish for potlucks and for family cookouts:

Tried True DeveileEgs

This Pulled Pork Crockpot recipe is great for potlucks. Easy to make and very little hands-on time:

15 Dinner Ideas for You and Your Dad

Give these recipes a try. They won't disappoint!