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Cupcake Themed Birthday Party and Sleepover - FREE PRINTABLE!

Cupcake Themed Birthday Party and Sleepover - FREE PRINTABLE!

This year my daughter asked for a cupcake themed birthday party for her 7th birthday.  I really liked the idea and we decided to turn it into a sleepover.  We wanted a way for the kids to stay busy, have fun, and be creative!  The kids really enjoyed the party and sleepover - I'd say it was a success!

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Planning Ahead

Since we were going to have a full house I planned out snacks for them.  I placed them in the drawer of our fridge that way they knew what they were allowed to eat and we could keep up with the portions! As well all know when one kid gets hungry they all get hungry. It was perfect for snack attacks.


Cupcake Theme

I used items from the Dollar Tree to make a tray to hold toppings for the birthday cupcakes.

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I used a hot glue gun to hold the dishes in place to prevent spills. It worked great! The plate caught all of the spilled candies and made clean up a breeze!

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Cupcake Fun

I made cupcakes for the party and frosted only half of them.  That way the kids could choose to either decorate a pre-frosted cupcake or frost their own.  All of the kids had fun frosting their own cupcake and choosing their toppings.  The adults ate the already frosted cupcakes so it was a win-win!

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I made a cupcake themed bingo game that turned out to be a hit and put together a basket for prizes.  You can get your cupcake themed bingo cards here with this free printable!

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They all enjoyed the race to get the first BINGO! so they could pick the first prize. I hit up the Target Dollar Spot for these really cute goodies!

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Keeping a house full of girls busy was no easy task but using beads to make bracelets worked well and it was fun for everyone.

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Cupcake decorating was a lot of fun for the girls. As I said before, they enjoyed decorating their own cupcake instead of eating the ones I pre-frosted for them. 🙂 Check out some of these really cute cupcakes they created!

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At the end of the evening we decided a movie would be the best way to get them all to settle down. Who knew that all 5 girls would want to watch 5 different movies! Image result for laughing emoji

The best way to settle this issue was to use Google Home and flip a coin.  It settled the problem at hand and they settled in and watched Moana for the end of the night.  The kids really enjoyed the party we put together for them and they were happy to see that I made chocolate chip pancakes for them in the morning.

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They all went home with goodie bags that I put together for them. I put gum, a pencil, a coin purse, a candy bracelet, and a lollipop in the bag - they were all really happy with them!

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Ana Jacqueline

Wednesday 18th of April 2018

Love this cupcake theme for a birthday. Especially how fun you actually made it for the kids. I must admit I would probably have decorated my own cupcake with the kids, just for fun lol.


Thursday 19th of October 2017

that’s such a great idea to have girl’s party like that. I think i will make it like that also when my girl big enough ?